YES!!! IT IS THE SAME RUG!!! same little
error I only NOW see, same blotches on the bottom Pro caught!!!! reason I did not get it until just look at the price difference!!!!! Initially, they posted it at over $1100......and's down to what you see!!!!! UNDER HALF THAT????
And yes, Pro also din think it was that old!
Can U believe this you know what?????? I mean
Why is this so hard, buying a rug?????? Why should you have to exhaust yourself to spend yr hard earned money????? Why can't people Keep it REAL???????????? I guess it's hardcause I don't have 20K to spend, and the possible chincanery factor just wears you down.
Meanwhile, like a total cretin, I emailed them AGAIN.....cause I see from the first thread, I already HAD. I wonder if I asked same questions???? OMG.
I belong in a padded room now.
OK, thank God I pasted their response to my initial mail. Pro pointed out with contempt that the base being in good condition "for its age" was a red flag. I did, in fact just send almost the same questions. Because I am no longer a WELL PERSON, DO U HEAR ME?
Now what I iwll do is employ their initial response, write them again, tell them I see it's the same damn rug and ask more specific questions: what yu you mean re the base and for its age? iS THE BASE BRITTLE AND DRY OR IS IT NOT? thennnnnn.....I am going to ask WHAT IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS FIRE SALE ON THIS RUG? 15% off I could get, but cutting yr starting bid OVER FIFTY PERCENT??????
I will say, they have 100% feedback.
Please help me, I don feel good.