Hello, and welcome to the forum.
What is written here is just for your info. 150 is very affordable, and it's a great looking rug. here's my two cents
Doesn't seem like a bad price, but if it is what I think it is, better cleaners may not touch it with a ten foot pole if it's worn. The only reason I say this is because these are often rugs that were used in iran, sent to the US, then sold online for cheap. many had wear down to the foundation already before being used here. A lot of these rugs are prone to color run to begin with too.
I would check the carpet thoroughly for
markering and
Chalking/painting (the bad kind, not the painted sarouk kind). If it's not that big of a deal if these wash out, or the colors run, go for it. 150 is a nominal investment. Figure around $2 per sq. ft. washing, that will bring your total cost just under 400 after tax probably. If further painting needs to be done this may go up. Keep in mind, after washing the rug could look drastically different if it's been chalked or markered.
many of these sellers claim the rugs are already washed, and they can be had for less than 400. Stay away from the golden tone ones.