To avoid confusion, I feel I should make new thread re this antique Sarouk Pro, out of overweening kindness and an adversion to things with pile & wefts newly made.....unearthed on ebay: This is new to ebay person. He or she....from the boot in one of the pics, I get it's a he....does not get that descriptions are mandatory. Is that not obvious to all? When Pro posted this in another thread, I was very moved and right off emailed this:
Dear serapi.503,
Can you please tell me what size this Sarouk is? What percentage of pile remains and how consistent it is???
Many thanks,
My take is, it might be very small, or a runner, and it clearly has serious pile wear & some knotheads showing. So far, nobody bid on it.
I also think it is small from the shipping he lists: $25.
But in this event, would I not follow up? NEVAH not. Anyhow....all this stuff is very, very interesting. Now that I suddenly have this Rug DISEASE.
We shall see!