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I ain't rescinding. So interesting re what forms and evolves our visions. I think about stuff like that. I might be able to deal with these colors iin a scarf. Tho I don wear scarfs.
For me, total Eeeeeewwwww cacophony. Not exactly symphonic. Symphonic can be busy and also genius, i.e, Todd Oldham....one of the few real geniuses in fashion, I think.....then there IS garage band cacophony.....to me, this.
Some genres are marked by technically clashing vivid, over-saturated colors, i.e, Folk Art-Primitive, collages rendered by some true artists Hard to explain when & why.
Also remember, FASHION People have scouts in ghettos...given much of the truly original, creative vision stuff originates there! Also ponder how stuff changes: not long ago, the color purple, cept for Barney & that Movie based on that book... was considered declasse. Was once the color of royalty....and NOW back in mainstream favor. Now remember, you were TAKEN aback by the purple border color in the deco rug you posted. So much of this is arbitrary and about commerce...versus from the weft up or that which was indigenous to some actual period in history, OR any true aesthetic. Wut?
Another: I like low rise, tight, boot cut jeans. I will wear nothing else. Commerce, to perpetuate profits a bit ago, tried to foist skinny jeans on the public. Also blazers (not tops) which end at the waist and violate proportion. I find it scary that anyone feels impelled to go along with such. It has nothing to do with personal taste at all. Au courant is mostly a fabrication, pun intended.
But remember, this is a RUG. And not tribal, FLORAL. There is fully realized, elegant busy and rich, then there is chaotic busy leading to psychosis. Generally, busy in design ought preclude busy in colors. Is all ahm sayin.
Chacun a son gout,. RIGHT?
NOTE: My responses were based on the first iamge of the rug. The image depiciting the rug under furniture is whole other thing: soft, gentle, muted. Which is the actual rug? I have no clue.....but when something leads to exploration & discussion, it's always a Goog Thing.