RugPro wrote:what happened with the nice 9x12 1950's sarouk he had? it was a little brighter, a little newer, and had one side slightly longer than the other?
Lovely of U to ask. I saw all, liked none. They did not make my knees weak. I registered for the Detroit auction bearing the sarouks, was approved. So far, with 13 hours to go, only one bid on one. I have no clue wut I am doing. But I am excited.
But 22% buyers' fee is pernicious. Is this NORMAL????????
I am TELLIN YOU, my rug is there somehwere and trying to find me. Irrational don mean it's not true. I also signed up for "alerts" re future auctions, shold MY rug not be in this one. One word: SAROUK.
I also mailed them about one lot.....the age....cause it does not look ice and old to me. Hope I hear back before the ice caps melt completely.
My work site V slow tonite. I think I should call these people n Detroil.
Joe is a lovely person....but except for that first very subtle one....I find his saroughs so far.....Less Than.
I also ow observe....vulnerability to pile wear one newer rugs, far greater than on older rugs made before the Big War like mine was. A 20 year old hand knotted rug....even n a home wit elephants should not have serious pile wear.
Employing drop cloths and such, I built stuff over mine!!!! Major sawdust, big stress, big noise. Chaos. Nobody ever coddled it in any way. For many decades, nothing hurt it.
My mom, being smart.....knew to only use a vacuum without the powerhead on our rugs.
I so appreciate your time, rich data...and at the core, that you are a caring human apolitically.. Very uncommon phenomena I used to think were indigenous to all humans.
Can't remember when I got it, but I thought the Amy Winehous rug would have arrived by now. Maybe someone at UPS caught a glimpse of it and died immeidately. Just spontaneouslly expired. And they confiscated it for evidence. :d/