I am asking the question to verify my read of 1262. amd to have the slight idea of value of a rug this old. I'm confident of my reasoning if 1262 is correct.
According to the Jacobson Rug site and others, after 1920 the solar lunar date was used which would be the 1880. However before 1920 the islamic lunar date was used, and to arrive at this date another 38 years would be subtracted. Actually my date was wrong once I recheched it. I subtracted 33 rather than 38 so it woul be 1846 if 1262 is correct.
The rug is definately whole with the pictures showing a heavy blue abrash. The ivory does not hold the change which it would if shortened. Plus the back shows no "mends".
I also realize dates are only valid if the rug matchs the date. From what I can tell, realizing the pictures are a shade brighter than the rug, the rug doesn match the period.
Thanks, but again the 1262 and value is the question.