People are so particular about rugs. Yes, lighting within a space makes a big difference, so does the actual physical orientation of the carpet within a room. But one of the biggest challenges has to do with holding off on the carpet to be the last thing they decorate
with. In reality, a rug should be decorated
from. SO many people insist they don't want the rug to feature a tiny bit of this color, or even a hint of that tone, which is great. But the real issue at hand is often times the customer is attempting to match a $3000 carpet to pre-existing interior elements.
Starting with the rug and pulling out subtle colors with accents within the rug, such as topical colors, is the best way to go. I'm currently taking a film class, and one of the things we're talking about is the underscoring in movies with music, and what have you. While the visual imagery of a movie can be very powerful, the feelings and emotions never get truly extracted from the images until the music has been carefully calculated when and where to exist. I guess the baseline, or the cinematography, would be analogous to the carpet, which then dictates the precise placement/augmentation from the underscoring, or in this case the curtains, the fixtures and other interior elements. Silly analogy, but perhaps has validity.