ABC is a pretty outrageous place. From the building to the prices. I have to say though, they do have some nice examples, and always have everything accurately labeled. The problem is the cost. I wonder if people know their prices are off the wall? Many of these NYC stores have such high overhead, I'm sure they're taking a hard hit with current conditions. Last time I went there it was pretty busy.
I won't ever forget browsing some rugs on the rack, and the salesman walked up and greeted me quite cordially. He then said "I noticed you are looking at the back of the rug, you should NEVER judge a piece by looking at the BACK of the rug." I almost fell down right there laughing. Of course, you have to dumb it down to see what their angle is, which is a little tough to do when you hear something completely outlandish. The thing is, ABC is a good safety for people in the city. Granted you pay 30%+ more than a fair market price, but you know what you're getting is pretty much what they say it is.... Although sales techniques can quite often dissolve the facts of being in the business.