Thanks for all your comments. I am going to wind up fooling around and someone is going to grab it like Fredggrower did that 1960s Isfahan for $1,200. Originally the seller said it was going to relist it at a lower "buy now" price
My bottom line is do I need another rug over a $1,500. The evil side of me "buy it, you need it and it's a really good price." The good side says "hey you need to retire some day, save you money".
My other problems is buying lesser rugs rather than waiting for the "good one" It's easier to buy the $270 rug I have attached, but I then have 3 or 4 lesser rugs' than the great one.
An example is a rug I bought just before I saw the isfahan, and now I don't know if I should send it back or not.
The rug looked amazing for the price, but I have said that before and found I was wrong.
I had tried to post this rug on earlier, but now I have it attached. Is it a silk on silk Qum?
The thing that worried me about this suppossedly silk on silk Iranian rug is the low knot count for a silk rug and the white major border which is very simple. I only paid $270 for it, but I can send it back and put the money towards the isfahan.
KAD mentioned the quality silk on wool of the isfahan. Is this silk, maysilk rug, your example of a new rug with less quality?
btuma6 attached the following image(s):