I agree with the gold lighting. It's no good... I just wonder why they don't fix it. It seems like a lot of people buy those rugs to resell them, unless of course his are extremely worn? There are a couple interesting sellers that have eBay stores overseas. I noticed one from Switzerland which was interesting too, although some of the items the age had been significantly inflated.
As for the Kashmar, that certainly was a cut down rug. The other thing is it looks chalked. there's a lot of color run, and areas that texture appears to be too close to the warp to be as rich in color as they are. The second one posted in the last message is known as a Tabatabaei, which is a very, very unusual design for the types of rugs which were usually produced.
The last one... Estimated retail value $27,552 ? Hmmm, I mean really, that's really almost offensive to people. What does a seller like this have a problem with bring honest to people?
What is this "tinyurl" thing anyway?