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#31 Posted : Saturday, February 21, 2009 8:28:14 PM(UTC)
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I swear, this is the VERY LAST ONE, OK? I will henceforth go back to ONLY UPLOADING RUGS. Reason I am doing the below.....is to show you, my AOL (I have gmail and Yahoo, but nothing tops free AOL 9.1 wit yr broadband).....auto completes just as you will see. And the mails get sent.....and all those I have received are same from her. When I tired to Paypal her money 3X using this...USUALLY A NO BRAINER AND IMMEIDATE.....I got error messages. but trust me, U can send mail using what you see below. I just don want it to bring you anguish.....tho that is how we learn the lessons we must learn.

Also note in one above I JUST NOW SAW.....SHE was playIng games all along: in one of the above, re the pic of the underside, "If I have time.....U will see.." YADDA, YADDA......it was ALL alL total, abject BS, OK? Every single part
Jilly attached the following image(s):
Nancy 4.JPG
#32 Posted : Saturday, February 21, 2009 9:55:25 PM(UTC)
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(Why did I think when I found & got My Rug I could start sleeping again?????)

OK.... as per MONK, " Here's what happened." As least, I DO BELIEVE it came together as follows just now.....this too is a journey AND getting to the truth of stuff is more important than sleep.

1) I became deeply attracted to that Chinese rug. As we all know.

2) Then I hadda research a lot if those are garbage, given there was some disappointment in my thinking of going in that direction.

3) Then I started asking Nancy my usual and, I think for any normal, intelligent person questions....and first offered and then insisted on sending her money for an underside pic with a rule... She had ALSO written me I was a perfectionist, it was not a compliment it was an invective.... and I could already feel she already din like the whole thing.

3a) She had already asked me for $15 for a pic of the underside of the first rug of theirs I considered. In that, I said, no problem, and she sent me the pic for NO money and.....with a logical explanation for why she had asked in the first place....saying they were harassed by evil, onlne cilents but she felt I was "in a different class"....I even mailed her, OMG for real? Harassment????

4) I then made 3 attempts to Paypal them $15 for the underside pic of the Chinese rug I truly came TO LIKE and seriously considering buying. I felt was only fair, she had already sent me one for free after asking for money. Using their email address in these attempts, got PayPal error messages. I even sent her one. I Then tried to do this via ebay. It was THEN, I suddenly saw, omg THE RUG HAD DOUBLED IN PRICE!

5) I knew at that point they were total merda. I got tense & pained knowing, not friend, enemy.....and instead of emailing them they are merda.....cause I still wanted to see the underside of the rug cause I knew they were also lying bigtime re the kpsi....I posted it all here and mailed her, "Am I hallucintating?" I covered up my pain and my anger and disgust. I wanted to CATCH THEM IN THE KPSI lie: here it says 300 and there it says 500! I already knew it was not even the former.

6) Then she send me one of the mails I just made screenie of, starting, "no U R not hallucinating....."

NOW HERE IS THE COMING TOGETHER: As I postulated a while ago, STRUGGLNG TO FIGURE THIS ALL OUT...i DO BELIEVE MY FINAL TAKE WAS RIGHT: after all my questions and telling her about Rose in China....and remember, I sent Rose a LINK TO THAT RUG, ...they maybe felt this rug really was worth more than what they had posted it for on ebay!! AND WHO KNOWS? Maybe IT IS! "iS" right word, cause trust e, the rug is still there, OK?

Now, I ain no attorney.....but I am positive that such a listing is a binding contract re truth in advertising laws. They can reduce the price, but no way legally can they double it suddenly... forget, nobody told me, I CAME UPON IT AS PER ABOVE!

Next part.....now Jilly was a BIGGER problem....I mean bigger than I now get I was the minute I asked normal questions which i think they are not used to at all cause how can they get over then? Jilly BIGGGG problem cause Jilly seriously interested in the rug & all my involvement was naturally based on the originally posted price!

From the response mail (also above), re '...no, U R not hallucinating... I realized rug was listed wrongly.....but TO MAKE YOU HAPPY......." (Horse DOODY, OK?) I can now now feel SHE OR THEY NOW FELT LIKE cornered RATS. Honest happy humans NEVER feel like CORNERED RATS.

Cause then, here was their problem: I was waiting on the pic of the underside she kept saying she was sending.....but actually, at that point, they were INSANE....cause all they could focus on was precluding Jilly or anyone ELSE from getting that rug at the price they initially posted it as which is a kind of legally binding thingy!!!!! Esp when you are in active communication with a serious customer clearly interested in that ITEM, ok? That last part was was the key part.

It was then, they or she... came up with the total perp walk story.....RE, OMG, I went to take the pic for you and the rugggggg......is GONE! It went to a dealer in Calif LONG AGO!!!!! (Uh=-HUH.....ON A FLYING PIG, I saw it on CNN.)

Things take time to get clear within.....it runs in the background 24-7....and then who can sleep?.

Now, boys and girls......given all this coming together stuff... and in which ways it is emblematic of the pseudo humans they truly are......does it also make sense she hadda unwittingly trash her own inventory by trying to diss my gorgeous amazing new puppy which is worth every single penny??? tho, to punish her for the agony she inflicted, did I provoke her by sending her Sat mail re this? U BET I DID. And I make zero aplogies for that! It is time to expunge the evil from America, be it the Wall st slimes or the GM slimes or the rug slimes.

Pro is such a deep and pure human ....he could just not believe this merda.. OK true, at first I couldn't either---BIG PAIN AND FEELING OF BETRAYAL.....but common, look around! People like this all over! I now get. Again.

If all of the above the accurate chronology.... they were not, in fact trying to set me up with the suddenly doubled price I came upon & the,y of course, did not email me about.....I think, now, it WAS as per ABOVE. and the nuclear issue was not only abject dishonesty.....but that compounded by consumate dearth of intelligence!!!!! (OK, stupidity)

Next, ponder this: the minute I got the trashing of my gorgeous...also beautifully made puppy mail.....I immediately, logically assumed she offers Indo stuff! I went right to their site! And bingo.....THERE they WERE! MANY! I pasted one link here, they have LOTS. Now.....have you any clue how stupid someone has to be to have sent the lashing out trashing the puppy mail to me and not have realized the whole world can see THEY OFFER INDO RUGS? Via three mousecliicks and a little scrolling? If.....all UGLY ONES NOT EVEN CLOSE TO MINE? Ponder this, boys and girls!!!! An ostrich....and they have brians the size of WALNUTS.....would have realized that, OK?

I know... staggering right? Time to get another beverage. lol, I wish I could drink without getting silly like an 2 year old..... Cause today, would have been The Day.

If I finally got all of it accurately.....it is truly vomit-making & just plain pathetic. This....is a dangerous world...and you never expect it. Well, OK, I don't a lot.

All this is akin to W's inability to take responsibility for even a miniscule element of the havoc he and his puppet masters wreaked on this world; e.g., I can not admit I solicited and promulgated FAUX intelligence RE Iraq, their non nukes, WMDs, FORGET SADDAM, A NEAR SECULAR Baathist... cause THOSE WHO RUN ME had a sick, pernicious, international & Constitutional law abrogating AGENDA. So, we killed 600K innocent Iraqis and almost destroyed the whole world......so wut? We now think the rug is more valuable than we LISTED IT AT.... and that is all that matters; the end....justifies THE MEANS. Also, the DOG....Ate my Homework!

When, in earlier thread I was, as usual, struggling to get clear on all of this......the part I got right in the beginning was, TRUST ME, they HAVE the rug. (U can BET on that.)

Would the wounded, angry, perverse part of me relish Pro calling her here, to the (pun intended) CARPET... AND WATCHING HER TAPDANCE 7 lie and sweat and twist in the wind? U BET. I am human. I need to be more OBAMALIKE.....BUT HE is light years more evolved than any human I know, starting with Jill. I also don want PRO to go on hurting.....cause you (forgive liberties with upcoming famous aphorism) CAN NOT MAKE A FINE SILK, hand knotted PRAYER RUG......out of a machined, plastic piece of merda.

Maybe now.... it I finally got evey little part---or even close....I could mayb
#33 Posted : Sunday, February 22, 2009 1:35:04 AM(UTC)
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No sleep yet.....THIS WAS TOO IMPORTANT; I cxonfess the (sorry) distillationof disgusting nacy got to me today.
when Roxanne first sent me the pics......I tired to blow up the underside image and count. It was too hard, plus I was excited and the underside tomed looks excellent.

I am ashamed I could let any VULGAR, MORONIC IGNOBLE owlife exploit my human vulnerabilities......but I have exhausted myself for very long time to learn about rugs here... and on my own Googljng and emailing.....cause I did not wanna make a mistake.

I propped myself up in the chair and determined this time.... to blow the image up to where I could at least try to count. I am uploading it. As big as I blew it up before total pixelation...I could only scale an inch and indicate this with two red dots, first on the ruler and then on the knot rows. the red dots are EACH, just ouTside the inch BETWEEN THEM whee U start to count if U can.

But I finally got close to accurate idea......and guys, this rugs has very, VERY GOOD kpsi, DID U READ THAT? Very. That lying, LOW, disingenuous, greedy, IGNORANT be-atch got this wrong too......to hurt Jilly.....Cause I Sat, poked her with triumphant stick simply by sharing my auction JOY in detail. She said fewer than 100? LOOK AT BELOW. iS CAUSE i HAVEN'T SLEPT FOR 2 DAYS? i DON THINK SO. these are very dense and high kpsi....which was my take just looking at the underside!!! Am I right or am I crazy? (Crazy as in Gnarls Barkley track....meaning NOT)

Get a sense Again the two red dots are the outside of actual inch and you must get some sense of the rows inside the dots.
100 kps OR UNDER.....i my BUTT!!!!!!!!

I am now crying AND I WANNA HURT HER for MORE HOURS OF ANGST AND PAIN...I am sorry, it is TRUE.

OK it only pasted as a link. Don know if it will open in W pic-fax viewer and U might have to blow it up. I wish it had pasted.....cAUSE just between the RED dots within which is an actual inch....I get like EIGHTEEN ROWS OF KNOTS DO U HEAR ME?
Ok no sleep for 2 daysi DON FEEL GOOD SO i COLD BE IMAGINING....but I when I make up my mind to figure something out, I TRY OK? PLEASE BLOW IT UP UNTIL YOU CAN SEE FOUR RED DOTS, TWO VERTICALLY ALONG THE RULER INDICATING AN INCH and the two I extrapolated to the knot rows horizontally. THEN, try to cont the rows between those two red dots!

I need a Button Man. Can I say that more plainly, people? I need like Harvey Keitel. I need DeNiro. But the young version. Like from Mean Streets, or GF TWO.

I can't sit up any more now.
Jilly attached the following image(s):
#34 Posted : Sunday, February 22, 2009 2:18:50 AM(UTC)
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i used Irfan view, then made a screenie am going 2 upload this visible if it kills me.

THANK U GOD!!! THANK YOU IRFANVIEW!!!!!! Count, count COUNT!!!! Then get me Robert DeNiro!!! LOOK WHAT WE LET HER DO!!!!! Even PRO BELIEVED HUH!!!!!!! That my gorgeous puppy I knew was worldclass is UNDER 100 KPSI?????????

Made me cry and not sleep? And while conferring with high end CLIENTS?????????? ERODED MY HAPPIEST RUG DAY??? tURNED IT into PAIN???? I let her do this to me? And PRO let her do this to HIM? he was defending under 100kpsi rugs? Believing her her that THIS IS ONE?????? Who is she, the Anti Christ?

Count, PLEASE....someone tell me wut you get!!!!!!!!! I can no longer focus.
Jilly attached the following image(s):
please work.JPG
#35 Posted : Sunday, February 22, 2009 11:00:41 AM(UTC)
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Hello. Someone just woke me up cause I must work. Forgive my hysteria, I was in anguish and disbelief and needed to figure everything out & I couldn't stop until I more or less did. Just looked at what I managed to blow up and sharpendwith Irfanview, which is fab, free app. this AM, cause their pic was not a good macroomode closeup, just looking at the nice tight stable appearing and feelng underside, right off I felt it was a well and tightly woven and solid rug......and with well integrated wefts. I felt that immeidiately.

When my puppy arrives....gotta arrange shipping...I will make GOOD PICS with good rulers, I have tons of rulers and tapes.

I will still await more official postulation on the KPSI. But I know a row when I see a row. I am pretty sure I do.

I now get all this was about internal doubt and vulnerability. You work to earn and OWN INFO AND CLARITY INSIDE....not even the most toxic, dishonest, sleazoid human outside can make you feel rug doubt or big pain. Over time, you earn being more IMPERVIOUS to that evil. This is why knowledge.....is power. Bottom line, it was also my bad tho I do not apologize.....cause they emerged unimaginably felonious over time! I held a mirror up to her, told her with sarcasm about the tapdancing morphing rug.....and said I had posted all of it on my rug site for millions to see. OK, I said hundreds.... but I do not care. U do that throwing down, then disappearing rug....U must be strong enough to endure the response!!!! And I was NOT. THAT.....IS THE TRUTH. that....is The Lesson.

I should no way have felt devastated and like some victim!!!!! You must go to rug boot camp, learn, train, focus, work hard, read, look carefulyl at hundreds of rugs, be pro active, reach out, ask questions, get feedback..... and pass all the tests to equip you to go both to the border and into the field. HAHAHAH another rug analogy. This one about COMBAT. cause the rug business is about that far too often.

Also again, in my manic follow up, what i can come to.....that good neo persian made in India are very good rugs indeed.....was confirmed.
Which is why, that Hoonanian person offers SO MANY in so many collections, coprising so many Indos not one of which is priced below a certain level.

All this is about rugs to be sure.....but foundationally, in the wefts and the warp....it is about LIFE.

#36 Posted : Sunday, February 22, 2009 12:06:31 PM(UTC)
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Was answering emails, 5 mins ago THIS ARRIVED. I promised I would not upload more screenies, but I must now do just that. I get she is trying to make nice.....but under it all she knows she has been outted. And also note: I sent her a link to one of HER INDOS yesterday.....SHE DID NOT EVEN GET THAT!!!! THAT SHE Trashed her own inventory....OR WHAT THE LINK i SENT WAS AND WHY i SENT IT!!!!! Cause I did not spell it out.

I am trying very hard to be nice and get calm..........but it is very hard for me not to let her have it esp telling her the real KPSISof MY NEW RUG.....and revisitng everything. I am not a perfect human, I am not Obama.

Pls someone try to count.....don have 2 B completely accurate, it is hard to given the original image......but I am positive kpsi is excellent!!!

Now someone please tell....given the suddenly doublng price and the tapdance re the pics.....is it even remotely possible this rug was sold a month ao and wasn't in the inventory and they just forgot to remove the listing? and then DOUBLED THE PRICE....of a rug which was not even there for a onth? wHY IS THIS NOT OVER? After EXHAUSTED MYSELF TO FIGURE IT ALL OUT? U mean I can not tell when SOMEONE IS LYING ABOUT nearly EVERYTHING OVER TIME? She gets it more now and is just trying to cover her felonious butt, yes? Is that right???????

She knows she is in trouble, right? and there could be repercussions re ebay, truth in advertising laws and maybe she even has found this site an is terrified. IS THAT RIGHT OR WRONG? the guy who really owns this pathetic operation is coaching her now, right? To make nice???????
Casue now he is scared and angry at the ostrich????? IS THIS CORR3CT OR NOT?
Jilly attached the following image(s):
Get Another Beverage.JPG
#37 Posted : Sunday, February 22, 2009 12:32:37 PM(UTC)
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PS....I am the very essence of shamed. No, MORTIFIED. Not once in my life so far, was I ever moved to share IQ with ANYONE. I am so ashamed.....cause that exception brings home how helpless and pained and upset & vulnerable I felt.....that I for once felt I hadda do that. I wish I could delete i, undo it.....cause I am that ashamed I felt I hadda do that......forget post it on a public site. Nobody wants people to see them scared and vulnerable and pained.....know they let some lowlife generate all those things in them.

It is the stuff of WUS people. This is a very shameful moment for Jilly. More than a whole day of shame & fear.....which is why I made my selt stay up to try to figure all out.

It's OK.....being who you really are from moment to moment and not pretending you are something else.....is bottom line..... but it takes courage and it brings shame & fear.. I am in the shame-mortification phase.

Remember, I DO NOT DO ANABOLIC STEROIDS!! Arod too.....has shame. And, apparently, not the gonads to keep it real. O! Some Funny came back! I will be OK.

It is just another Learning Experience. Blech.

#38 Posted : Sunday, February 22, 2009 1:24:26 PM(UTC)
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Must start evening work.....I will soon return to normal. Now, I just blew up image even more, sharpened again and this time put turqoise dots. I COUNT FIFTEEN rows of knots between the RED, INCH PARAMETER red DOTS. fifteen. And, I think more in the 90 degree direction!!!! I am uploading.
Jilly attached the following image(s):
#39 Posted : Sunday, February 22, 2009 1:40:52 PM(UTC)
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Edit buttons gone....my being clinically, CERTIFIABLY, insane now has deleted the button, OM G!!!!! OK now.....just see.....parallel to the ruler, each individual knot is---thank you GOD---ONE SIXTEENTH OF AN INCH EXACTLY!!!! Meaning in the other, not marked direction we get sixteen knots! Ye,s I know, it defies logic....could this rug have 15 X 16????? No, right? Why am I not getting this right? I see individual rows and knots. does anyoone else?????

I am showing huge courage in NOT responding to that last Nancy mail. HUGE.. I need to gather sticks to stick huh wit. And the knot count will be one of them. Then the you Creeped out Cretin, I sent you a link to one of your own overpriced Indos! "Trusted Expert" U bet!!!!! THAT GUY WHOSE CELL she once gae me...was 516 AC.....HE is her Manager.. HE IS NOW AFRAID. Very afraid. Being outted on my rug site, on ebay.....and afraid I iwll write an essay on all this which, trust me, I could and everyone would be fascinated. my guy at the V VOICE luvs stuff like this. But that wold be overkill. I iwll be patient.....cause right now, the count is key.
#40 Posted : Sunday, February 22, 2009 5:21:39 PM(UTC)
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Update i JUST FIGURED OUT MY CLIENTS are mostly watching The Oscars. As I should be. But right now, slow is good for me.

I just sent this to poor NANCY. We shall see if she takes me up on my offer to join this community and get real and have the honor of getting some of their rugs certified. Hope spring eternal...but nobody should bet that she-they will do this. I also attached my image of my last desperate attempt at counting the knots on my New Jilly rug.

I count over and over hoping what I see as individual knots are individual knots. Every time the count is impressive. tho, OK, not always exact\y the same.

Last mail to Nancy:


While receiving your trying to restore some normal mail heartens me, it is also true that given the completely atypical IF NOT MINDBLOWING series of events commencing with my interest in that Sino rug.....every part posted on my rug site over time.....seriously eroded trust.

Trust is earned. Whole people act with integrity by REFLEX, NOT CALCULATION.... and thereby earn it.

Surel, you must also know how unlikely most of what you reported over time is.. Also, that there are not 9only, tupo) ebay rules, but truth in advertising laws. You post an item at a given price....it is your legal obligation to stick to that price or something lower.....even if, let us postulate, you come to think the item may be worth more than that price at some point.

This is especially true when in active communication with a customer clearly interested in the item.

Next, Nancy, in your lashing out at my fabulous new rug & the genre it represents, I knew immediately, you must offer Indo Persians. I looked and there were many. Within YOUR inventory. The link I sent you was to one of them, a runner priced at around 2K.. You people ask very serious money for these "garbage" rugs you choose to buy and offer, apparently and portray them as anything but garbage, yes?

Next, see the attached. the rug I was thrilled to win at auction yesterday, via phone.....count the kpsi yourself. Then remember what you told me they surely were.

In your listing for the Sino rug....in one place you listed the kpsi at 300. In another, 500. In yr mail with the pic tapdance....you said I will see the kpsis count above 200.

You wanna earn some respect? My rugs site offers certification for individual rugs.....that the rug being offered is as the vendor says in the delineated specifics.. And THAT certification....from real and integrity-driven, trusted and respected experts is trusted by clients.

You let me know, Nancy, I will hook you up happily....and, if yr rugs each passes muster, one at a time, those items will be certified, and you will then know greater success of the sort that can only be earned via integrity over time. If, that is, you also begin to honor decent business practices.

I am just a now more informed rug buyer because of these experts & my commitment to learn; you are supposed to be a professional within the industry.

Note: assuming you are using a Windows based system, you will have to either right click on the attached file and choose to open it in in PAINT, OR left click on it & it will open in W pic & fax viewer and you will then enlarge it until you can COUNT.

Again, I appreciate yr trying to reach out to make amends, but Nancy, you have caused many fine people, starting with me, a great deal of pain, and earned mistrust. All that is hard to mitigate.

Life is about growing toward the light. It is not about tapdancing shamelessly, yes?

Let me know if you and the guy who owns this business are interested in the privilege of getting Official certification for individual rugs from the Respected Source.


RugPro Offline
#41 Posted : Sunday, February 22, 2009 8:49:05 PM(UTC)
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I think i may count as many as 14x14 or 196 KPSI
RugPro attached the following image(s):
jilly knots rug.jpg
#42 Posted : Sunday, February 22, 2009 9:12:03 PM(UTC)
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RugPro wrote:
I think i may count as many as 14x14 or 196 KPSI

Ok just saw this and I am sending you a HUG, a silver Ferrari, the glob rug and a lifetime supply of BLUE!!! LOL I COULD NOT BE MORE grateful to you at this moment than I am. OK???? I knew this was a fabulously made puppy!!!!!! BEST KPSI I will EVAH HAVE IN MY LIFE!!! BETTAH THAN THE GARBAGE RUG!!!!! JILLY-thrilled!! Cept I lied, I can not afford the car or the glob rug. But it's the heartfelt thought that counts, yes? And those were heartfelt, believe me!!!

But now, you and all others....time to get yet another beverage. Yet another, U must B kidding, head spinning Nancymail just arrived, I already responded to it.....I will paste it below. It will paste with my response at the top and her mail under that.

Now that I worked hard to get clear and actually managed that more or less....my pain is almost gone and I see how pathetic she is and I feel bad for her. But boy, people like this can really hurt other people.

Prepare yrself, pls....and nobody get upset, it is what it is. Might be good to read her mail at bottom first.

All you can do is try, OK? and is always the RIGHT THING TO DO. Maybe I should make one of the mails bold or italic. Nah....everyone is smart here.....it will be clear.


I have been working all evening and now am tired.

In your trashing newer rugs made in India to attack the gorgeous one I just got.....YOU implied they are GARBAGE,. YOU ASSUALTED AN ENTIRE GENRE. My point....after assuming you offer theses, hardly just the runner, MANY. THEN, .going to yr ebay page and having that confirmed......the irony was YOU HAD ASSAULTED RUGS WITHIN YR OWN INVENTORY when you attacked MY RUG! Is this clear? read yr own email; I will paste it below.

And now agian, you are desperate to find something bad about the rug I bought!! Do you EVER THINK ABOUT SUCH THINGS? WHERE this mean and bitter comes from? Or that it IS THE ANTITHESIS OF HAPPINESS AND CELEBRATING JOY forget objectibe truth?

Forgive me, but your enemy is within you. Tho if you try you can repair this., and I hope you do.

Finally, whatever makes you think you know where I live in Manhattan???? I never said word one about specifics. You might choose to explore where you got that assumption from. It is a very interesting one to be sure

Next.....see this defensive, attitude copping re my about my suggestion to perhaps have the pundits on my site you help yr business by maybe validating yr rugs? they whose validation means sometning within the industry? Neither I nor the founders of my rugs site, the experts who contribute importantly ,nor our members, need FAVORS from NANCY. Bad attitude spells bad everything.

NOW, I will find & paste your mail trashing my new rug generically. Focus on this and you will get who impugned newer hand knotted rugs made in India. It was surely not I, I JUST BOUGHT ONE!!! Look in a mirror. See Nancy? That.....is who did that.

Were my life the series of isometric struggles I suspect you allow yours to be.....I think I could not bear it. You may wish to explore this. Always take resopnsibility for what is inside YOU and why it is there.


Here's yr mail. read it carefully:
Hello Jilly:

I did not respond to your email as I found it sarcastic and I did not say anything to you but true.

As far as your purchase from live auction, I could not count the knots by ruler as picture is taken from far side but from experience it should have under 100 knot count. There is no specification for the rug as far as the age and usage of the rug, probably you are aware that all Indian used rugs under 30 years of age have very little value not even worth sending it to cleaning.

I am certain if you decide on canceling your bid the auctioneer would not let you get away even the rug is not shipped yet so wish you good luck with your purchase.

Best wishes / Nancy

In a message dated 22-Feb-2009 11:55:47 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, MASTERPCS1 writes:
Jilly, for some reason I enjoy communication with you but I do not agree that I try restore anything, change of price is according ebay rules otherwise eBay would not allow revising prices regardless active communication as we have no obligation to one another prior placing a bid on ebay.

The linked you sent me is not for a runner yet it is for a brand new Indian Sarouk in rare size of 8'x18' which your professional expert friends would never have access to such unique pieces and I challenge them to come up with such sizes, these rugs are result of effort by hard working weaver for some long time about a year and regret some upper west side resident calling such art work as GARBAGE! This rare rug is not listed for 2K yet it is listed for $1499 and as mentioned I challenge your rug experts to come up with similar rugs at price of up to three times as much price of my listing price and surely they will be unable doing so.

I am sorry that I do not have your IQ so was not succeeded in counting the knot count of your rug but by enlarging the picture you send me I came to know substantial irregularity on Navy border section which shows wider on upper and lower part of ruler but narrow at the extension side of ruler, the same thing crooked line on extreme left part of border however as mentioned in my previous email as long as it pleases you that's what it count, some people disturbed by such irregularity and some like you pleased!

I have never meant to cause any deal of pain to any fine people such as you and indeed wish these fine people do not cause any pain to hard working weaver by calling their work GARBAGE!

Yes, I would be interested to know more about Official certificate from your respected sources and would like to know where do they receive such authority of issuing certificates?

Best wishes / Nancy
#43 Posted : Sunday, February 22, 2009 9:17:41 PM(UTC)
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I just wanna say, I wan this person out of my life, OK? I mean I tried my best to turn the lights on......but now this is a total waste of time. I feel bad now for her.....but it is like the brick wall smile, OK? I can not do this anymore.....she needs help, but not from me.

Edit: I just read her mail again. OMG is it possible she did not see Roxanne at Stantons placed the RULER AT AN ANGLE? Omg...IS THAT POSSIBLE?????? that she did not GET THAT?

I am trying TO ACCEPT SHE DOES NOT GET SHE called the weavers of newer indo persian garbage. Think she will when she reads her OWN MAIL???? Nevah.

I am in some kinda protracted rug nitemare, OK? Did I not only yesterday get the ultimate Jilly rug FINALLY? Wasn't that supposed to release the balloons the confetti and the doves? AND THE BAND???????

What happened to the doves and the balloons and the band? Nancy and her festering, unplugged, pained and angry & bitter and irrational sensibility happened, is wut happened.
RugPro Offline
#44 Posted : Sunday, February 22, 2009 10:12:51 PM(UTC)
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lol... It's clear this person is unaware of the words she writes. Careless of her own goods and representation. We never said her goods were garbage.

To any normal person, using simple geometry to connect her e-mails. If she states a=b and b=c then a must be equal to ___ !!!

A seller like her is not only doing her customers a disservice by posting bogus certificates, but also the industry as a whole.

Funny how the tone changes when its her merchandise - now she's "insulted" about the Indian weavers who she herself stated : weave rugs which in the 100 kpsi range are not even worth washing! d'oh!

I do not accept her challenge as I see anything outside of talking about her words in her e-mail sunken time. Attempts to change subject only goes around in circles. Otherwise, would love for them to come here to the forum to discuss openly about anything I have said and they have said. My only hope is she reads carefully: I never called their merchandise "garbage," only established information as her conflicted e-mails clearly demonstrated what I believe may be self incriminating information about their goods....
#45 Posted : Sunday, February 22, 2009 10:27:28 PM(UTC)
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RugPro wrote:
lol... It's clear this person is unaware of the words she writes. Careless of her own goods and representation. We never said her goods were garbage.

To any normal person, using simple geometry to connect her e-mails. If she states a=b and b=c then a must be equal to ___ !!!

If there are no gaps in communication & copy paste, it seems probable she's visited the forum regarding certificates. A seller like her is not only doing her customers a disservice by posting bogus certificates, but also the industry as a whole.

Funny how the tone changes when its her merchandise - now she's "insulted" about the Indian weavers who she herself stated : weave rugs which in the 100 kpsi range are not even worth washing! d'oh!

I do not accept her challenge as I see anything outside of talking about her words in her e-mail sunken time. Attempts to change subject only goes around in circles. Otherwise, would love for them to come here to the forum to discuss openly about anything I have said and they have said. My only hope is she reads carefully: I never called their merchandise "garbage," only established information as her conflicted e-mails clearly demonstrated what I believe may be self incriminating information about their goods....

Robert,, I know U do not like reading long posts. She hasn't visited the forum, I suggested she do that and explained the value of having their rugs certified here....and the bona fides of the experts! I offered to hook her up. That mail to her is pasted somewhere above, I am just too tired to find it right now. Robert if you can find the time, PLEASE READ MY LAST MAILS TO HER. I believe you haven't. I got all of it, every part, covered every base. I know what you said, I know what I said, I now know every element and molecule of all that happened including why. within me and without.

Nancy is very damaged, desperate human, always in combat mode....for reasons she is in no way in touch with... and that makes me now very sad.

Please do not make me make and upload more screenshots of original mails, tho that was fun for 11 minutes, oK?....I am sure the Administrators here hated that. They are informative but hardly attractive. I also felt they were necessary since you seemed to doubt I was pasting verbatim mails. The W clipboard don change those, lol there is no way anyone can alter received mails in AOL. As the4y come in. That is why I made the screenshots.

Now, I just sent her what I hope will be the buh-bye mail. Now that I get her I feel really bad for her. But I can not help her beyond what today I tried to do. I am grateful I am rabid seeker, starting with WITHING, THE DEFAULT JOURNEY.....I let out the pain under the anger....did the work always necessary and then you earn the privilege of seeing another individual as they are.

I would like to helo everyone....and one of my destiny issues is accepting I can't. But in the evenings, I do help between 60 & 70 humans a week.....tho many are regulars. Again, I have no off switch and I sometimes pay the price. I see this has the usual typos.....bite me, I am very tired.

Hi again, nancy.

I worry U are not happy. it feels as if all yr life you've had to do battle. Many peole did.....I did not have the easiest ealrylife wither. but we have free will to look within.....and do not underestimate yr intelligence.

nancy, the observations you made re the undnerside of my new rug: Roxanne at Stanton's.....the auction gallery I got it at......is very busy, she was delighted to send me the pics, but she also placed the ruler at an ANGLE. there is no distortion, Nancy, the RULER IS AT AN ANGLE.

Next, the main pundit on my rug site to whm I am eternally grateful as without his presence, i wuod never have learned some of what i needed to about rugs.....to end up with the one I wanted finally.

I had uploaded images blown up of the underside. He just posted the kpsi at 196. A very find rug indeed. But that was my take from early on.

This is a wonderful rug. Gorgeous, not garden variety...MY VISION AND MY TASTE...in very fine condition and made fabulously. I work very hard for my money, but I do things I LOVE and have earned the privilege of doing well tho I work to get better every day. I do almost everything myself unlike most people: design and build cabinets, cut my own hair, do my own nails....and I am also careful and discerning about buying things.

I wish you good things in every arena of yr life....including making the journey inside. I think it is one of the great privileges of being alive, that journey. Happy....is a CAPACITY. It is an inside job.

Live the truth and find the joy.

Take care,

#46 Posted : Sunday, February 22, 2009 11:11:23 PM(UTC)
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Tell ya what: I am almost recovered from & trying to get finished with this poor woman. Her email address is all over this thread. Even including one screenie I made and uploaded in which I circled it in red. She wants ME TO convince HER THE EXPERTS HERE ARE JUST THAT? Get Real THAT IS NOT MY JOB, I already spent serious time trying to do what I could. DO NOT do me, Nancy...or anyone on this site any favors. As I wrote to her. So....if anyone here, having read all the mails, and wearing a HAZMAT SUIT......WANTS TO REACH OUT TO HER, identify themselves and invite.....it's your call entirely. If anyone ends up in a padded room....hopefully with good rugs....pls do not blame Jilly.

Jilly.....has had quite enough of this, thak U V much. Sometimes, U just have it up to there with life lessons, OK? Tomorrow---no, later today-- I will say, "Pls God, don teach me nuthin today; it is my day off!!!"
#47 Posted : Monday, February 23, 2009 4:42:56 AM(UTC)
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I will never sleep again. Cause it is a total waste of time, OK?

Now for something HAPPY for a change: I just got this Roxanne mail re my GORGEOUS NEW PUPPY!!! In response to the one I sent her Sunday, My new puppy With da now, I know, excellent KPSI!!!!! Roxanne....is the antidote for NANCY!!!!!

Congrats! I'm sure you will love it in person. It is truly beautiful! We
use The UPS Store and he comes and picks it up and wraps it himself. His
number is 413-525-5959. You can ask for Larry but his staff is also very
capable! You can mail the check to us at PO Box 326 Hampden, MA 01036.


Jillmorrisone@aol.com wrote:
> *Roxanne!*
> **
> *I am very excited about my new puppy.....I am sure U R V busy and I
> hope the auction went well. Susan is very efficient, boy. Also calm.
> lol*
> **
> *My take is I need to snail you check for $1,592. Is that right? I
> wanna get this done ASAP. Also, can you tell me yr most reliable
> shipper-carrier? Do they wrap the rug or do you? What it is wrapped in?*
> **
> *All the carriers are in our lobby every day many times.= a day.*
> **
> *Stay warm, Roxanne,*
> *Jill*
#48 Posted : Monday, February 23, 2009 6:40:00 PM(UTC)
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i WAS POSITVE.....above was end of this thread. I was also positive, the Buy_bye mail I sent this poor and truly certifiable nancy Rug woman.....was the end of my misery involving her presence in my journey.

Unimaginably.....I am on deadlne but feeln normal.....below just came in.

Not once in my .ife have I ever blocked anyone's mail. I can deal with nearly anything and I HAVE. But now, I just do not know. I find this a l scary now a.....she really is completely IRRATIONAL she is literally clueless about what happened here IN any way convinced SHE did not diss her own inventory, that the Jilly Rug is CROOKED (she really did NOT GET THE4 RULER WAS!!!!)....AND NOW, HELP ME SOMEONE ABOVE....she has me living on the Upper East side.

What is going on in the brain of this person??

Why do I keep thinking it I just spell things out clearly and accurately....after all, that is what I DO, personally, professionally... that this human will get any part of it? Answer; cause I have never quite encountered anything like this. COMPLETELY IRRATIONAL, LIKE A RABID SQUIRREL.... and it is now SCARY, ok?

I pray this is the last thing....I must now think of how to reply with a minimum of words, TIP TOE and convince her the door is closed.

Hi Jilly, I am sorry to inform you that you are wrong as all people who know me they find me a fun person and very happy, hate to fight but stand to my rights and fully defend it perhaps that is why you find described me as being in battle and yet I would insist on your apology for my talented hard worker weavers calling their art work as "GARBAGE"

I also would like to insist on my challenge to your professional friends finding 8x18 Sarouk rug up to three times of my listing price, yet would like to know about the source given authority to your friends to issue certificates.

Regardless of most people being disturbed by crooked rugs I would prefer do not discuss about your purchase rug since you are pleased with your purchase.

Thanks for sharing with me about your life informing me about doing your hair, nails and cabinet and sure you would like to be complimented by others rather than calling your work the kind of words you used for work of my master weavers.

I would like to take advantage of my final words acknowledging your hard works when many people spend their time with friends and relatives on Saturday night dinner you stay home and write me an email or when most of people are sleep at early hours 3:15 AM you stay up and still writing email to me but unlike my weavers you are blessed awarded with such good life living on upper east side.

Last, I also wish you good things in every arena of your life...including making journey inside, live the truth and find the joy!

Best wishes / Nancy
i am no kinda WUS, OK? i HAVE DEALT WITH THINGS NOBODY ELSE COULD, gotten stuf done when everyne else bailed and gave up...but if someone less OMG U must be kidding than I at this ment....can offer some pragmatic suggestion, I would be in that person's debt. I am SERIOUS.
mosaic08 Offline
#49 Posted : Wednesday, April 8, 2009 11:22:59 AM(UTC)
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...i am exhausted...entertained, but exhausted! what a ride...congrats!
#50 Posted : Wednesday, April 8, 2009 11:57:10 AM(UTC)
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mosaic08 wrote:
...i am exhausted...entertained, but exhausted! what a ride...congrats!

I just caught this and yr medal for having simply limped thrut he marathon is on its way! Fact is....I am STILL EXHAUSTED!!!!! lol
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