Duh..I have everything. Cept a rug. I HAVE THE ISSUE OF NY TIMES Mag in my files. I scanned the first two pages and uploaded them. I think I kept them in one of my HDDS in this system. Do U want me to scan them again more carefully?
Tell me what U want me to do and it shall be done.
Why, does someone like that rug????? The one in the Renaissance Revival Room of the Met? With my mother's Jelliff Parlor Suite? Well, identical to hers. S That rug? Probably circa 1860? The boring rug?
Now......the Lincoln bedroom ones, I got from C-SPAN SITE, wherein U can see fabulous clips and slideshows re the multi-part, and incredible special they recently ran on the White House.....with new insider privileges!!!!!
I will get a link, hold on....
http://whitehouse.c-span.org/Now, that is the homepage for this miraculous special everyone should record. they also offer a distilled version on DVD for no money, I think $10....they said they were not making a profit; I believe them; they do not deal in antique rugs.
Via above link, hit the "by room" option top left in list; go to second floor; in floor plan with buttons, hit Lincoln Bedroom. The Lincoln bedroom will come along with the two rugs there since recent restoration.....along with infinite other interior spaces within this historic residence!!!! C-SPAN is GOD.