Hi, I am Newbie; just posted War and Peace odyssey in the Wut the F is this ugly? forum.
I am entirely unsophisticated within this arcane arena, but seeing the incredible antique rugs whose hammer prices were classic Gordon Gekko. I would like to say I adore the AMRITSAR CARPET.....subtle, rich in nuance, acuity of focus honed by love, not commerce, ethereal, transporting.....far too many truncated humans have become strangeed from all these capacities over time;
I also liked the pomegranates and the ramshorns. I like anachronistic, classic symbolism well rendered.
I esp enjoyed the lack of cynicism that marked all the lots. The ingenuousness, the purity. Remember, sophistication etymologically works back to loss of innocence. And one need not be a pundit academically within an esoteric realm to get the essence of anything clearly, viscerally. The hard data owned by the right individual.....augments.
Doris Duke again! Even within her personal & perpetual angst, dysfunction and issues......she knew joy. Albeit it re inanimate objects. And it essentially owed little to the dead Presidents.....tho those sure helped her amalgamate her own personal nirvana comprising those. Apparently, Ms. Duke ownen the more precious form of currency as well as being famous for the more commonly lusted after.
Neighbor down the hall is curator of Asian artifacts at Christies. I was staggered to realize over time, she has no real eye intuitively, instinctually, differentially. In ANYTHING. She is capable academic....and in most ways, impoverished.
LIFE is infinitely fascinating, yes?
Again, Proust: "The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes." But some things can not be taught.
Thanks for that link and the subsequent comments.