don't go with the rug estimator pro! The rug estimator pro is for hand knotted rugs only.
I would go craigslist. you can ask more money and it's free to list. you may have to show it to a bunch of people, but it should help get more dollar in the end, plus you won't have to ship. ebay is good if it were karastan or some other name that was easily recognized and highly searched for.
value on something like this is relatively low. A friend of mine has similar rugs stocked from many years ago unused. these he sells for $650-750 in this size today in new condition. on sale, they would be even less. 650-750 was pretty much what dealer cost was back in the day i believe. If this is the type of rug I think it is, they were very good quality. random question: When you take the rug and part it lengthwise, does it breach open very easily?
I would say the selling point for this, (you did mention stains) should be in the area of $250 in good condition even with a couple small, lighter colored stains. If the stains come out and the rug were clean
maybe $350... used condition this is tops i would say, especially considering what a new one could go for.
you may have to see how it goes after some time, and
be ready to settle for less if need be, perhaps as low as $150. Unfortunately, there's not too much of a market for used machine made.
not trying to be tough, but it's not really worth "appraising" machine made rugs. you may be able to get a replacement value that is pretty decent, but to have a dealer put this in writing would cost a lot of money, and certainly not help sell it. replacement cost is much different than a market value. You're best off saving the trip to the dealer and lugging it around town...
again, craigslist would be the best way to go I think
Here's a good article on the main site in regards to values for machine made rugs.