Please Check out this 1886 rug! That is, IF, I can get the pictures to load.OK, I am still learning but it seems the rug is genuine to me.
It was on Ebay but removed by the seller before the bidding was even close to ending. I had e-mailed her so she had my email and said I could still buy it...$1,4000 including shipping and insurance. She wants me to pay through Skrill. Has anyone paid through it? I have seen lots of negative reviews. I am supposed to be able to see the rug for 14 days before I decide to keep it but have to send the $ in first. Would you use Skrill? Help! Am I being scammed?
Back to the rug. Do you see more wear in the bottom half of the rug or is it just a difference in background color? I can't really tell. Look at the photo with the 2 fringes opposite each other. Why is the coloring different?
PS. There must be a different way to upload photos here! Help!
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