I'm currently located in western Afghanistan. I am looking at 4 kilims and would appreciate any assistance identifying a reasonable price to pay for these items, if there is any investment / appreciation value that could be expected back in the states, and any commentary on how durable/desirable they are. Quite honestly from everything I have seen on the internet I think the prices are too high and would need to get him to come down some.
Kilim 1
Slightly longer than 3m x 2m
Seller says his best price is $1200. We have not negotiated at all.
Demonstrated in Picture 1 (DSC04453) and 2 (DSC04454).
Kilim 2
Approximately 3m x 2m
Seller says his best price is $1100. We have not negotiated at all.
Demonstrated in Picture 3 (DSC04445).
Kilim 3
Approximately 3m x 2m
Seller says his best price is $1000. We have not negotiated at all.
Demonstrated in Picture 4 (DSC04446).
Kilim 4
Didn't get measurements. Possibly 8 ft by 5 ft rough guess.
Price unknown at this point.
Demonstrated in Picture 5 (DSC04449) and 6 (DSC04451).
I appreciate your assistance.
greenmachine attached the following image(s):