Thanks for answering my posting about craigslist rugs, Jeff and Rugfirm! Rugfirm, I clicked over to your website link from the posting and I have been looking at your collection. I found a bunch of options immediately, and your descriptions are really helpful. Nice that your website singles out which ones are good in high traffic areas.
W/r/t this listing - if we assume are all like 9x12 even though in reality they might be different sizes, how would you price, say, rug 1 vs rug 2? or rug 4 vs rug 5?
Price is a consideration for me and the ranges you guys mentioned are fairly large... My rationale is: if I can get a fair price on CL for a nice rug that is local and I can see before buying, I am happy to do that. However, if the price is more or the same as a similar rug from a reputable dealer online (esp one with a return policy) I would prefer to go that route. Does that make sense? This is the main reason I haven't contacted them yet...